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Losing a Cousin

Last week we made the heavy-hearted trip back to our hometown to say farewell to a cousin on my husband/tech advisor’s side who passed away unexpectedly.

Linda Mullin Laeng (1953-2022) had lived a full and happy life before a sudden illness proved fatal.

She was one of a group of 10 cousins who grew up together in the same community. They have other cousins, too, but those lived far away. This local bunch knew one another best. Most of them, now in their 60s and 70s, gathered for her funeral service.

Linda had lived her early years in Wyoming, married later in life, and then moved to California with her husband. In recent years, after her husband died, she returned to Wyoming to care for her mother.

She thrived there. She and her mom attended Mass daily and breakfasted regularly with other family members. She joined a bowling league.

They entertained themselves by visiting casinos where Linda often hit the jackpot. She was a lucky gambler, having won the California State Lottery during her time there. The priest said he wished he had talked to her more often about tithing.

This extended family will miss her cheerful presence. We are saddened by the empty spot in the cousin group.

It felt too sudden and too soon to say good-bye. Linda, enjoy your wings.

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