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Technology Changes for Genealogy

This post may look different from previous ones on this blog. Changes in technology are affecting my genealogical work.

First off, the blog template in Microsoft Office no longer works. They never notified me that the functionality of this feature would end. Instead, one day when I opened Word to write a post, the blog template had just disappeared.

Luckily for me, my husband/tech advisor was able to find another product that I am trying out with this post.

The second technology change for me may involve using a different genealogy software for my PC. For about 20 years, I have kept my records in The Master Genealogist (TMG). I still like it. But they no longer sell or update this product, and I am afraid it will not be compatible with newer operating systems. We have begun to consider alternatives for keeping our electronic genealogy records.

A possible choice emerged when I attended the 100th anniversary party for the Colorado Genealogical Society earlier this month. I won a free copy of Family Tree Maker software in the door prize drawing. I can get the current version right away, and they will upgrade it free of charge when the next version is released.

I do not want to rush into this. We decided to install Family Tree Make on just one of our computers to try it out.

My husband/tech advisor has numerous exhibits of photos and documents for his family loaded in TMG. We want to see how well they migrate into Family Tree Maker before we make the decision to move all our data and learn to use a new product.

I do not like technology or the electronic age. But I am stuck with it. I am hoping these changes to my accustomed way of doing things will not be too painful.


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