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Virtual Genealogy Anyone?

At this time of year, we have many opportunities to further our genealogical education. The invitations keep rolling into my In Box.

Many of these conferences and seminars, like RootsTech ( and the NGS 2021 Family History Conference (, offer a wide range of topics.

Others focus on more specialized subjects. The Colorado Genealogical Society’s 2021 Seminar will feature Crista Cowan “The Barefoot Genealogist” speaking on using (

Those who seek classes to help them further their German research have a couple of good choices coming up:

  1. 2021 International German Genealogy Conference. With the theme of Researching Together Worldwide, this virtual conference will be held 17 July to 24 July. Registration is now open and can be completed at the following link: A special Early-Bird registration discount is possible until 31 March 2021. This conference will feature popular speakers Ute Brandenburg, Wolfgang Grams, Timo Kracke, Roger Minert, Judy Russell, Katherine Schober, Diahan Southard, and Michael Strauss covering an extensive variety of German genealogy topics.
  2. Colorado Palatines to America Spring Seminar. On April 9 & 10, Teresa Steinkamp McMillin will speak via Zoom. She will offer four sessions including The Voyages of Our German Ancestors, Understanding German Farm Names, Discover the Holdings of German Archives, and a case study using indirect evidence. Registration for this seminar is open at

I am registered for a couple of upcoming genealogy events that look interesting to me. I am looking forward to hearing some good speakers and collecting some new research ideas.

What about you? How much time do you have available? What will you choose?

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