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Plodding Along the Genealogy Trail

Genealogical research goes in fits and spurts. Some weeks I make good genealogical discoveries. Other weeks I work quietly on many small topics. During those times, the work moves ahead a little here and there, but nothing warrants a big announcement.

Although this week shaped up as more like the latter, I made progress nonetheless:

  1. The database continues to provide information on my extended Sherman family. I am gleaning a tremendous amount of information on our Glover cousins who lived in Moultrie County, Illinois.
  2. I had an article accepted for publication in the next issue of The Colorado Genealogist. In this article I tell the story of how a Colorado cousin and I discovered each other through DNA testing.
  3. On Saturday I will attend a seminar sponsored by the Colorado chapter of Palatines to America. Dr. Marianne S. Wokeck will speak on various aspects of German emigration to the United States.
  4. I read a book about another genealogist’s journey, The Stranger in My Genes by William Griffeth. He relates how DNA testing unexpectedly changed his life.

None of these things stands out on its own. Yet each advances my genealogical goals in some way. I moved ahead in my research, shared information by publishing, and made plans to further my genealogical education. Not a bad week’s work.

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