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52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge

Last year I followed several genealogy bloggers who met the challenge of writing about 52 of their ancestors during the 52 weeks of the year. This year I have decided to see if I, too, can meet this goal.

As I begin, I have realized that I do not know whether I have even identified 52 ancestors in my direct lines. For most people, finishing the challenge would require writing about 5 generations of ancestors. In my own case, the job will be more difficult because I have one unidentified great-grandfather. That means one of two things. Either I must identify him so I can include him, his parents, and his grandparents in the 52 ancestors, or else I must work back further than 5 generations on other lines. Quite a challenge indeed.

Next week I plan to begin with the first ancestor, my Dad. I will then work back from there. This should be fun.

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