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New Year, (Almost) New Office

As a gift for our December anniversary, my husband/tech advisor gave me a partially remodeled office. He knows I love offices and office supplies, and I am thrilled with the result. I cannot wait to begin another exciting year of research in my new surroundings.

He upgraded the space with following:

  1. LED lighting that really brightens up the room,
  2. New bookcases for the 400+ genealogy books I acquired from the estate of my father’s cousin last spring,
  3. An perfectly-sized office work table we spotted in the IKEA scratch and dent department,
  4. A newly-organized supply closet,
  5. A Varidesk adjustable standing desk that I received for Christmas.

Everything would be perfect except for one thing. I promised myself that I would begin work in the new year in a clutter-free environment, but so far I have not achieved this goal. I have books and paper everywhere. Guess what I will spend much of today doing!

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