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Writing for the Cloud

I must confess that I enjoy the research side of Research and Writing more than I like doing the writing. But what is the point of doing the research if not to synthesize the information into a format to share with others? Spending a lot of time on research solely out of idle curiosity would be pretty frivolous. I have a broader mission in mind. I want to preserve family lore and create a sense of kinship among present and future generations.

To accomplish that, I use a couple of strategies. I maintain the family tree in the cloud for all to see. Each year I also choose an ancestor, and write his/her life story. Right now, I distribute these character sketches to siblings and cousins. Someday, I will get organized enough to post these to the cloud, too, along with any photos and interesting documents I might have. They say that nothing on the internet ever goes away.

Using cloud technology, I can preserve and publish my work. Distant cousins find me because of my postings, and so the family circle grows. Writing has its rewards.

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