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Find Time to Surf the ‘Net


Usually I try to follow a research plan when doing family history. An organized approach helps me make sure I do not overlook sources. This way, I pursue my goal of comprehensive, exhaustive research on any given question. Interestingly enough, surfing the internet can fit into a good research plan. You never know what you will find.

This week, as I wind down my Reed research for the year, I decided to Google some of Samuel Reed’s family again. I did not find anything new on him, but then I plugged in his father’s name, Caleb Reed.  As I drilled down into the results page for this search, I found some interesting records online.

Actually there were several men named Caleb Reed, all related, and over the years they lived in Fayette County, PA, Spencer County, KY, and Coles County, IL. I found their names on a list of property owners in Fayette County in 1787 and on a list of Kentucky wills from the 1790’s. Given that vital records from that time period usually do not exist and census records may be missing, these are valuable finds.

Surfing the Internet proved to be a wise use of my time. It yielded some good results with no travel required.

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