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Our Genealogy Christmas Gifts

For the past several years, my husband/tech advisor and I have prepared genealogy-related Christmas gifts for our extended families. This gives us the incentive to digest our findings for the year and distribute the information. Here is what we will send out this year:

  • For the Hjelmstad and Walz descendants, a map detailing the European points of family origin in Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, and Norway. The map also shows emigrants’ ports of departure in Europe and ports of arrival in the United States.
  • For the Bentsen descendants, family group sheets and biographical sketches for the members of the Norwegian immigrant generation and a copy of the only photo I possess of one of the couples, Karen and Nick Bentsen.
  • For my husband’s Norwegian family, this year’s rosemåling Christmas ornament from the Sons of Norway.‎

Last night we put the finishing touches on our maps and documents. Everything will be ready to mail out soon!

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