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Fifty Photos

I am nearing the end of my cemetery marker project. Now I ask myself, was it worth the time it took away from my research? Was it helpful to anyone?

For myself, I can say I am glad I took the time to do this. Once I had a box of photos that I had to sift through every time I wanted to look at one. Now I have all the cemetery marker snapshots neatly arranged in an archival-quality album. I also have digital images of all these and more, both in a Picasa album and as exhibits in The Master Genealogist. It will be simple for me to maintain this system.

For the greater genealogical community, I have posted over 50 new photos on the FindAGrave site, This free site contains memorials and family links for decedents worldwide. Memorials for many of my ancestors already existed, especially in heavily-researched states like Massachusetts. But I posted numerous photos and built pages for 50 or so residents of rural communities in Illinois, Missouri, and Montana.

I have just a few photos left to do. We have some people buried in Nevada, Virginia, and Wyoming. When I finish those, I will have time yet this year to process more of the information I gathered in Norway this summer. Too bad we found no family gravesites there. My cemetery marker database will remain all-American.

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