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Home Maintenance and Genealogy

How can you do genealogy when you have only short snatches of time available? I found myself in this situation this week. We had workmen at our house installing insulation in the attic. Because my husband/tech advisor stayed home for this fun event, we ended up working on various other home improvement projects together as the men sweated in the attic. I spent my scarce genealogy time working on small tasks and loose ends.

  • I finished up my album of cemetery marker photos. I created a decorative cover and added divider sheets between the surnames found in the album.
  • On Monday night, after the workmen had gone home for the day, we attended the monthly Computer Interest Group (CIG) meeting. There we listened to a presentation on basic computer skills—operating systems, malware, creating files and folders. The speaker offered some helpful tricks and tips. We left early when a Microsoft Office tutorial began. I used to teach this stuff myself.
  • This week I received word that my cousin has a new great-grandson. He has a very unusual name, Atom. Yes, Atom. I added him to my database.

Not a lot of progress, but sometimes other things demand attention. Next week? Well, as much as I would like to prioritize genealogy, I do have an inspection of this week’s work scheduled for next Thursday. There goes another morning. Perhaps I can find yet another small genealogy task for that day.

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