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An Amazing Opportunity Comes My Way

The organizer of our upcoming annual Colorado Genealogical Society seminar called me earlier this month with a request. Would I stop by the hotel on my way to the seminar and pick up our speaker, Judy Russell, The Legal Genealogist?

Of course I am more than glad to do this. I have long admired Judy. I keep up with her blog. The opportunity to meet her and talk about genealogy is something I do not want to miss.

Years of following her blog have given me a lot of background information about her. She has roots in Madison County, Kentucky, and I do, too. She is half German, like my husband/tech advisor. We can find common interestes to talk about.

In past years our Society has awarded lunch with the speaker as a seminar door prize. I have never won, and I do not know if that will happen this year.

In any case, I think my chance to transport the well-known Legal Genealogist beats that. I will not have to share her with a group at lunch. We will have time for a memorable (for me!) conversation.

As the kids say, I am so stoked.

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