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Webinars Galore

This week holds a smorgasbord of offerings for furthering one’s genealogical education:

  1. The Legacy Family Tree 24-hour genealogy marathon runs today and tomorrow. This free event includes a different class every hour beginning at 3:00 p.m. MDT ( I have registered for the final session, Elusive Ancestors by noted genealogist Elizabeth Shown Mills.
  2. On Saturday the Colorado Chapter of Palatines to America will host part 2 of its spring seminar. This Zoom session features Mark Rabideau speaking on The Effects of Shifting Boundaries (Switzerland, France, Germany) on Lives, Migrations, and Cultures.
  3. DAR Museum Tuesday Talk. I participated virtually this week’s in the April program on Revolutionary Appearances: How Portraits of Women Evolved Around the Revolution. The next of these monthly talks, on May 8, will be Bound to the Fire: How Virginia’s Enslaved Cooks Helped Invent American Cuisine. See

All these classes meant several hours of sitting in front of a computer for me. I find it worth it because I always learn something I can use in my own research. I skipped RootsTech with its rich offerings this year, so now I am catching up on my continuing training.

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