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A Week of Genealogy Webinars

They say things come in threes. This week brought me three interesting genealogy webinars on various topics.

An Overview of My Heritage by Del Ritchhart

During this presentation hosted by the Colorado Genealogical Society, local genealogist Del guided us through the powerful My Heritage website. We learned how to create a family tree and expand it using the genealogy discoveries that My Heritage finds and suggests. He explained how to upload DNA test results and make the most of all the matches we receive. He demonstrated the site’s photo colorization and animation feature. During the presentation, I created a To-Do list of features I want to try. First up, the consistency checker for family tree errors.

Building Family Trees for Your DNA Matches by Mary Eberle

Legacy Family Tree Webinars engaged the founder of the DNA Hunters consulting service to talk about a methodology for determining how an unknown DNA match may be related. I was happy to learn that I am doing something right. I use the same approach she suggests. I, too, work to build trees for unknown matches out to the great-great grandparents looking for a common ancestor. She also offered some helpful tips for identifying matches who use just initials or an alias or who have no tree posted on the testing site.

Basics of New England Research by Ann Lawthers

This webinar presented by American Ancestors and scheduled for later today anticipates the release of the sixth edition of Genealogist’s Handbook for New England Research. The class promises to cover the historical context and organization of New England records. It will offer strategies for successful New England research. I have not worked with New England sources beyond town records and the American Ancestors website, so I am eager to learn more. I have numerous New England ancestors who lived in Massachusetts from 1620-1831 left on my research list.

Having these webinars available for free from home helps me stay up to date on my research skills. I learn something new each time. The only problem is deciding where to begin.

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