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Writing for “The Colorado Genealogist”

The latest issue of The Colorado Genealogist came out this week. The periodical’s Editor, Nancy Ratay, put together for this issue some articles on integrating DNA matches with traditional research. I felt privileged to contribute the account of my own discovery of a Colorado cousin through DNA testing.

As I have written before, a DNA match identified my previously unknown third cousin in Colorado. She actively pursues genealogy, too, so we had a great time swapping information this summer. She gave me permission to tell our story in the Colorado Genealogical Society’s quarterly publication.

In addition to the honor of being published in this periodical, I also had the chance to promote my own research. My article necessarily includes some of the names in my family tree. These names appear in the journal’s annual end-of-year index. This issue goes out to libraries and societies across the country. Perhaps someone searching for my surnames will see my ancestors’ names and contact me.

Access to The Colorado Genealogist is one of the perks of belonging to the Colorado Genealogical Society (CGS). Even if one does not have Colorado ancestors, belonging to the local society does so much for the genealogical community. CGS, which meets in Denver, began in 1924 and is still going strong. In addition to publishing the Quarterly, as they call it, they offer monthly genealogy training classes and an annual seminar. They purchase materials for the Denver Public Library’s genealogy collection, one of the largest west of the Mississippi River. They work to preserve, publish and index local records.

I am very happy this week that I could contribute to the efforts of this wonderful group. I have learned so much from their members and classes. Thanks to Nancy Ratay for pitching a theme idea that allowed me to share my experience and help her put out another great issue of the Quarterly.

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