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Another Missed Deadline


Since I retired from my day job, I have hoped to enter a piece in one of the genealogy writing contests sponsored by the National Genealogical Society and others. The deadline for this year’s contest comes up on December 31, and again I will not make it.

Real life keeps getting in the way of serious scholarship. Will next year be different?

I am hoping so as I prepare to move to a patio home later this month. With no yard work, my “stuff” all cleaned out, and my elderly father settled in assisted living, in 2012 I can devote more time to my passion, the family history. The last two years have been so filled with closing big houses and caregiving that genealogy keeps getting pushed aside. But once I get everything stashed in the new place, I hope to get all those tombstones scanned, that stack of documents entered into the database, and an article or two written.

The contests will be there next year, and perhaps one of the entries will have my name on it.

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