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Virginia Ancestors: Carters and Days

The new year has arrived, and with it I begin research on a different family line. For the past three years I have studied my Nordic ancestors. I have documented my Norwegian and Finnish ancestors on my mother’s side for several generations. I even took trips to those countries to see where my people lived.

Now I plan to turn the page and return to uncovering more information on my father’s forebears. They have lived in this country since forever, but I still do not know all their stories. I want to learn more about these people.

A great opportunity has arisen .I have a niece planning to get married in Virginia in August. It just so happens that some of my ancestors lived in Virginia during colonial times. Already we are working on plans to visit sites and repositories in Virginia to learn more about these people:

  • Caleb Carter, my 4th great-grandfather. He reportedly served in the Revolutionary War from Pittsylvania County, received bounty land near Knoxville, Tennessee, and relocated there where he fathered my ancestor John Carter.
  • Daniel Day, my 4th great-grandfather of Montgomery County, Virginia. Son of John Day and Rebecca Howe, both also of Virginia. The family moved on to Morgan County, Kentucky sometime after the Revolutionary War.

This information comes to me from fellow researchers. I have not verified any of it, but beginning today I plan to dig right in. I will spend the early months of this year finding as much information as I can on these people from here in Colorado. I also hope to identify good research spots to visit in Virginia for additional information, perhaps the DAR library and the Library of Virginia. We will plan a research trip around our travel for the wedding.

I can hardly wait to see what I can find. This promises to be an exciting genealogical year.

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