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Advent Calendar and Christmas Eve

This Christmas Eve I see that I did not reach my goal of putting up a new Christmas-related post each day of Advent. Getting ready for Christmas is like a part-time job, and it takes up a lot of time. Some days, other priorities got in the way of blogging.

About noon today, I finally finished all the Christmas preparation I had planned. I have done the baking (made the fudge this morning), wrapped all the gifts, and sent out all the Christmas cards. Now I can sit back and enjoy the afternoon before the big evening begins.

As I have done all my life, I will join with other family members on Christmas Eve to eat Christmas goodies and open gifts. Years ago, my grandparents came to my house for these activities; now I go to my oldest son’s place to spend the evening with children and grandchildren.

Thus the circle of life continues. I am grateful for this new generation to share holiday traditions with me. Although my sons’ children do not celebrate Christmas exactly the way I did because their mothers have traditions of their own, still we keep Christmas and enjoy family time on Christmas Eve. We have waited 364 days for this night, and I am savoring this special time today.

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