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We Reluctantly Fill In a Death Date

This week our family experienced the sad side of genealogy. Our three-year-old granddaughter lost her other grandmother to pneumonia, and we regretfully must complete Sharon’s death date space on our family group sheets.

Our granddaughter knows that her grandma has died, but she does not understand what that means, nor does she appreciate the finality of it. This little girl does not fully understand that she will not see her grandma again.

Sharon was a wonderful grandmother who spent countless hours with her grandchildren, taking them to school and soccer practice, cutting their hair, and encouraging them to root wildly for the Denver Broncos. But she will not be there for our mutual granddaughter’s soccer games and school performances. Nor will she be there for the new little granddaughter due to arrive any day now.

Sharon won’t be buying any more Bronco cheerleader outfits and championship T shirts for her granddaughters. She won’t be re-creating her beautiful back yard where they have played every summer. She won’t be hosting any more holiday dinners for them.

It is a sad week for all of us, and our little granddaughter has lost her grandma all too soon.

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