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Where Are the Records?

My research into my Sherman ancestors remains pretty much stuck in the mid-19th century. I need to find some additional records to learn more about them.

Current information on their movements boils down to this:

  1. The Daniel Sherman family lived in various central Kentucky counties from the late 1820’s on. Daniel and his wife Rebecca sold their place in Madison County in 1863, and he disappears from the record after that.
  2. The oldest son, Anderson Sherman, relocated to Brown County, Indiana sometime before 1860. He and his family eventually moved on to nearby Johnson County.
  3. Daniel’s sons Anderson and Thomas registered for the Civil War draft in 1863 in Johnson County, Indiana.
  4. Daniel’s daughter Gilla Ann married John Cobb in Johnson County in 1864.
  5. By 1870, numerous members of the family including the wife (widow?) Rebecca; sons Thomas, John, and Jasper; daughter Evaline Sherman Alvey; and 4-year-old granddaughter Anna Petronellia Sherman all lived in Edgar County, Illinois.

Now I have these questions:

  1. When and where did Daniel Sherman die?
  2. When and where did Thomas Sherman marry Anna Petronellia’s mother? Who was she? Her granddaughter’s report that she was Katherine Stillenbaugh from Germany has not been verified.
  3. Did Thomas serve in the Civil War? His family claimed he enlisted at Louisville, KY, but so far I have found no service record or pension application. His brother Anderson filed for a Civil War pension, but it was denied due to lack of evidence of his service.

I intend to develop a research plan for each of these questions. They have plagued me for years, and I would love to answer any or all of them.

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