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The Bentsen Clan Loses Two of Its Own

This week I received word that my extended Bentsen family has lost not one, but two, of our patriarchs. They were first cousins to one another, Ron Bentsen and Floyd Fleming. Both were grandsons of our Norwegian immigrant, Ole Bentsen.

Ronald Bentsen (1931-2016)

My uncle Ron took care of me a lot in my younger years as he pursued his college studies. He even lived in our basement for a while, so I knew him quite well back then.

When he finished school, he married and moved away, so I seldom saw him. Still, we kept in touch. He often sent me family photos or tidbits of newly-discovered family information. The last time he visited, we had a great time reminiscing about the old days.

He had a long career as a civil engineer for the Army Corps of Engineers, serving in Japan and West Germany. He ultimately settled in the Atlanta area. He spent his retirement years enjoying his family and fighting kudzu.

You can find his obituary here:

Floyd Fleming (1938-2015)

I met our cousin Floyd only once. As he was quite a bit older than me, he took little notice of his cousin’s kid that day. Still, he seemed to have an appreciation for family.

Floyd left behind a wonderful testament to his mother and the baby sister who died in infancy. He created beautiful cemetery markers for them in the Redstone, Montana cemetery.

You can read Floyd’s obituary here:


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