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A Summer of Siblings and Cousins

So far this summer I have not had as much time for genealogy as I would like. Why? Well, because I am working on the family tree in a different way by building connections with siblings and cousins. We are enjoying a summer chock-full of family visits.


  1. In June, we traveled to Wyoming to visit a couple of our brothers and my husband/tech advisor’s mom.
  2. Also in June one of the brothers came to Colorado to see us.
  3. In July, my husband/tech advisor’s sister will visit.
  4. Later this summer, we will travel to Virginia for a wedding and a visit with my sister and other brother.


  1. Some of my second cousins have been to Colorado in May and July to settle an estate. They will return another time or two, and we get together when we can.
  2. One of my first cousins and her family will visit us around the Labor Day weekend.

I love these opportunities for catching up in person with all these folks. Preparing for the visits takes time, though. Time away from my research. The ancestors must wait this summer while I re-connect with the descendants.

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