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“The Reeds of Ashmore”

My distant cousin, Dr. Michael Hayden, wrote The Reeds of Ashmore in the 1980’s. Numerous Reed descendants grace its pages, and this week I have been using a book I acquired via inter-library loan to update the family stories that Michael gathered. Ashmore Illinois 1800-2000 follows the pattern of the 19th-century “mug” books used by genealogists, and it is chock full of Reeds and their relatives who still live around Ashmore. This week I have added dozens of people to my database and learned about their lives. Many are professional people who got their start by attending nearby Eastern Illinois University in Charleston, Illinois. A few still farm the Reed family land. Some have married neighbors; others have wed people from as far away as Africa and Japan. We may not know one another, but we are all connected by our descent from Ann Kirkham and Thomas Reed, Ashmore pioneers of 1830.

4 Responses to ““The Reeds of Ashmore””

  • Chelsey:

    Hi. I stumbled upon this website today. I am in love with it. I am Bernard Aaron Reed’s granddaughter. Thank you for doing so much research on our family.

  • Debbie Ferrill (Reed):

    Hi, my name is Deborah Lynn Reed I was the daughter of Dale Leo Reed. I am trying to get a copy of the thesis on The Reeds of Ashmore and was wondering if anyone could help me obtain this.
    I also want to say thank you because of this research I found a sister I never knew I had (Linda Reed)

    Again, thank you and I appreciate any information you can send.

    • Teri:

      Hello Debbie,

      I do not know whether there are surplus copies of “The Reeds of Ashmore” available from anyone. A few library collections have it: Denver Public Library, Charleston [IL] Carnegie Public Library, Mississippi State University, and the Library of Congress. Google Books does not have it.

      If I ever hear of a copy becoming available, I will let you know.

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