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A Coronavirus Project

What can you do with a sudden two-week vacation during the coronavirus pandemic?

We faced this question when my husband/tech advisor’s employer required everyone to take two weeks of their vacation before Memorial Day this year. We could not use the time to go anywhere during a stay-at-home order even if we wanted to go out and expose ourselves to the virus.

Instead of frittering the time away, we hoped to do something productive. We hit on the idea of replacing the deteriorating floor in our home office.

Not wanting to have workmen come into our home at this time, we ordered all the supplies we thought we would need to do the job ourselves. We were ready to get to work as soon as the calendar said Vacation.

Putting in a new floor requires moving around a lot of office furniture like desks, computer equipment, file cabinets, and bookcases. Putting in a new floor takes a lot of time.

With the office torn apart and my attention on the flooring task during these two weeks, I am not doing much genealogy.

Once we complete this project, the office will be oh-so-nice, and I will be back on the genealogy beat.

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